
How to travel safely by car during the coronavirus?

Roadtrip in the time of the coronavirus - tips for safe travel by car!

The car is an ideal means of "travel" during the corona crisis, because as such it represents a safe bubble. This is also why we have collected some tips for traveling by car, which you should consider before and during the trip itself in order to travel safely.

Since traveling by car, traveling in a "safe" and private balloon represents one of the safest forms of travel during the corona crisis. This is also why we decided to collect some information that will help you travel more safely.

If possible, go to direct travel and door to door; and thus avoid many different means of transport. For example, traveling by car is during the epidemic with COVID-19 the safest, therefore find destinations, which you can reach with your car. Europe is small and you can be at the other end in a few hours of Europe. Another advantage of driving with by car is that when you get to your destination you can use it on local excursions. Which is extremely practical. In this way, you can discover more cities and destinations, as proven by many travelers. The latter proved that car trips are the key to this year's adventures.

Tips for preparing a car trip:

  • Before you travel, do it PCR test, which will be valid for crossing borders in most European countries for 48 hours.
  • Find out where and how to get tested in your destination, for a valid test on your return!
  • Take the car for a basic inspection before the trip. Car breakdowns are risky and can lead to more unwanted contacts.
  • Take out travel insurance that covers COVID19 treatment.
  • Choose primary time, when you want to travel. Don't leave during rush hours when public stops are more crowded.
  • Pack your own drinks and snacks so you don't have to stop for meals along the way.
  • Wear a mask indoors, such as gas stations FFP2 or N95, which is mandatory indoors in some countries. Always wear a mask, even when outside.
  • Always have tissues and disinfectants with you. Always disinfect your hands in the car during stops.
  • Find out about the applicable measures in the country of destination.
  • Select only one country as a destination, not multiple countries. So the target destination!
  • Collect the right information about the destination on the official sites!

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