
How to view your entire history on Facebook?

Personal Facebook History

After realizing that you can see all the photos and posts liked by your friends on Facebook, we have now discovered another interesting option that you may be interested in. Facebook can reveal your entire Facebook history to you. Find out how to get to your personal Facebook archive below.

How to view your entire history on Facebook? Facebook knows exactly what you did last summer! And the summer before that. And the summer before that. It knows what you've been doing since you registered! Everything since then about you collects data, from where you went to school, where you go to work and who your relatives are, to what kind of music you like. At the same time, it doesn't escape him the smallest trace you left behind at his home.

An interesting feature is hidden under Settings, which is sure to tempt someone.
An interesting feature is hidden under Settings, which is sure to tempt someone.

If you want to know what you did on Facebook, e.g. On October 11, 2012—because anyone really remembers what they were doing that day (well, except for Facebook)—you the largest social network in the world allows you to get to this kind of data with the help of a deeply "buried" function and revive it lost memories. Facebook reveals everything to you, but really everything. All conversations, that you have ever had in chat, all photos, which you have ever uploaded, every status, which you published, when and who you "snapped between the ribs". He prepares a report for you that can only be compared to the Stasi report. You know that moment when your whole life flashes before your eyes? Well, this is the digital equivalent of that.

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And how you can get your full history on Facebook? On your profile, click the arrow (top right) and select Settings (Settings). Under the general account settings, you have the option at the very bottom "Download a copy of the data you uploaded to Facebook” (“Download a copy of your Facebook data”). Don't worry, Facebook won't start downloading data right away when you click download. Get more sooner two emails. The first one is intended to confirm your wish and familiarize yourself with what Facebook will throw at you. But your dirty little secrets really get in the way when you get another email with a link to transfer of personal archive. Well, happy reading!

Your entire Facebook history is just a few steps away.
Your entire Facebook history is just a few steps away.

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