
How to properly wash a blanket in a washing machine?

Photo: envato

Every spring we dedicate ourselves to cleaning the house. Among these tasks is washing blankets. However, the question arises, how to properly wash a blanket in a washing machine?

The answer to the question, how to properly wash a blanket in a washing machine, can be found on a label usually sewn to the edge of the quilt. The material with which the blanket is filled plays an important role in deciding whether it can wash in the washing machine or not.

Be especially careful with silk quilts, for which we do not recommend machine washing.

If the blanket is machine washable, there are a few things to keep in mind guidelines for efficient washing.

1. Check the capacity of the washing machine

First of all, we must be aware that not all washing machines are suitable for washing large blankets. Therefore, it is recommended that before washing the blanket, we check whether our washing machine will be able to handle the size of the blanket. Check the capacity of the washing machine and try to put the blanket in the drum. However, be careful not to overfill the drum, as this can lead to inadequate washing of the blanket and damage to the washing machine.

How to wash it in the washing machine? Photo: Planetcare / Unsplash

2. Stain removal

If you notice stains on the blanket, you can clean them with a non-chlorine all-purpose stain remover before washing. If you remember the origin of the stains, you can try to remove them in special ways. For example, you can remove blood stains with hydrogen peroxide, coffee stains with a solution of vinegar or citric acid, etc. You can also wet them with water and scrub with laundry soap or stain remover soap. After treating the stains, let the blanket sit with the stain remover for a while before washing it.

3. Wash the blanket

Wash the blanket according to the instructions on the label, which usually prescribe a washing temperature of 30 or 40 degrees. When washing, use a liquid detergent and when choosing a detergent for a woolen blanket, make sure that it is a detergent that is suitable for wool. Use a delicates program to wash quilts filled with feathers or wool. Be careful not to add too much detergent as this can cause detergent residue to remain in the blanket after washing.

4. Add to centrifuge drum

Before washing, put some washing balls or tennis balls in the drum. In general, most quilts can withstand spinning at 800 revolutions per minute.

The freshness of a washed blanket. Photo: Magda Ehlers / Pexels

5. Check the blanket again

At the end of the spin, remove the blanket and check if the stains have disappeared. If the stains are still there and you want to remove them, repeat step 2 and then wash the blanket again, but on a short cycle.

6. Dry the blanket

If you have a dryer, you can use it to dry the blanket (check the label first to see if this is allowed when processing this material). If the weather is good, your blanket can be dried or aired outside, but avoid direct sunlight, especially if it is colored, as it can fade.

If the filling in the blanket is not well distributed after washing, place the completely dry blanket on the bed and beat it with a carpet brush to ensure even distribution of the filling.

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