
How to wear jeans to a holiday party in just the right casual way

Jeans can also be formal

The holiday season brings another obligation - New Year's parties and December get-togethers. Unless it's a gala event, you can get away with formal dresses and strict cuts. Those who swear by the comfort of jeans always and everywhere can feel great in them even at a holiday party with a few simple tricks. With fashionable accessories, you can upgrade everyday denim pieces of clothing into something suitable for a relaxed New Year's party.

If you're determined to skip buying a "special occasion only" dress this year, we've got you covered. some fashion tricks, how your everyday jeans turn a piece of clothing into a festive one.

1. Make your socks shine

Classic jeans For girls, a jacket is like a quick application of mascara – it always works and looks fashionable. If you wear it over a colorful one mini dresses, add some sparkle. We suggest sparkly socks and patent leather moccasins.

When you shine in a denim jacket
When you shine in a denim jacket

2. Add transparent layers

The fashion comeback of suspender pants can be made festively chic in one piece. Wear a dress instead of a sweater transparent blouse, rest on your shoulder elegant handbag and put on your shoes saloonkeepers.

Sheer blouse and lounge pants for a more elegant look with suspender pants
Sheer blouse and lounge pants for a more elegant look with suspender pants

3. Dark is formal

With black or indigo "skinny jeans" it will be difficult to kick into the dark, but lighter and worn pieces should be saved for the day after the party. With a transparent blouse or an elegant top, they will rolled up trousers and ripped knees just sexier with the right pair of shoes. If you add elegant black jacket mission accomplished.

Jeans can also be formal
Jeans can also be formal

4. Surprise with unusual color combinations

Layering it's suitable for two reasons - you won't be cold in the season we're in, and you can also combine a red sequined sweater over a pulli in more subdued earthy colors. This is how you kill another fad – "color blocking", in fashion ankle boots and the snakeskin print will give you extra fashion points.

Colors, colors, colors
Colors, colors, colors

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