
How to work with your partner from home without disagreements?

Photo: Envato

Sharing a home and work space with a partner can be a challenge, especially if you do completely different jobs and in completely different ways. In order to more easily harmonize your business life with your partner's life, you will have to make compromises, because otherwise there may be conflicts that no one wants.

Define working hours clearly

The golden rule of working with a partner from home is yes separate your business life from your private life. Although this is sometimes easier said than done, it is important to clearly define your working hours and stick to them. Not only do you have to stick to a schedule, but you also have to tell your partner every morning what your day will look like. Remind him of an important meeting, if you have one that day, in which he should not disturb you, because peace and quiet will be crucial at that moment.

Separate the workspace

Although working in the same room may seem romantic at first, many times it is not. Since you probably don't do the same job, your jobs and work duties will overlap, causing unnecessary nervousness. So, if you live in a home with several rooms, it would be best to separate the work space from your partner's so that everyone has their own peace of mind when doing business. When choosing a room, avoid the kitchen, as it should serve as a place for rest and relaxation. However, many are not so lucky and are forced to share their work space with their partner. In this case, it would be best to use headphones and pay attention to the noise you make so as not to disturb your partner's work. Be attentive to each other and respect each other's work.

Photo: Corinne Kutz/Unsplash

They don't bother each other

Working from home versus working in an office can have a very positive or negative impact on your productivity. However, even when you are in the office, you do not devote yourself to work every moment, but rather communicate with colleagues, go to meetings and take short breaks. So pay attention to your partner if he simply stops thinking about work for a few minutes and starts talking to you. In addition to being in a relationship with your partner, you are now also co-workers, so you better get used to questions like "Do you have a minute?". The advantage of working with a partner is that you don't have to worry about offending anyone by simply telling them you can't do something right now because you have work.

Joint break for rest

They don't have to be completely isolated from each other. Consider working from home to your advantage and take advantage of free time that you would otherwise not be able to. Many work-at-home couples also dine together. At the same time, they can discuss topics not related to work. Since working from home involves even more hours of sitting in the office, take a few minute breaks and walk around the yard or neighborhood together to get some fresh air and exercise.

Photo: Joj Sharemyfoodd / Unsplash

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