
What will Dubai, Moscow and New York look like in 2050?

Ever wanted to peek into the future? In fact, we all think about the future all the time, but we cannot predict it. Except what we will eat the next moment or wear the next morning. What about our surroundings, our villages, our cities? We can show you how Dubai, Moscow and New York will look like in 32 years.

Multimedia project of the company Kaspersky Lab, Earth 2050, shows and predicts what the world will look like in more than 30 years.

Futurologists take their ideas and theories online and on a website 2050.earth you can watch a 360-degree animation clip of the mentioned three cities. You can choose different periods, namely 10, 20 or 30 years in the future. The website is also interactive, as it invites users to rate it predictions of futurologists, but they can also share their view of the future. It is available more graphic displays, which will help you understand predictions and predictions.

Project Earth 2050 also received the Red Dot best of the Best award, which the company is particularly proud of. They want to bring futurology closer to ordinary people and explain that it is much easier to imagine the future if it is shown in a picture rather than in words.

So how do you see the future?

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