
How would you feel if you got everything you ever wanted?

Photo: Hans Mendoza / Unsplash

If tomorrow you could achieve your goals and dreams and get what you wanted, how would it change your life? Have you ever thought about it? Usually, people focus on what they don't want, try to avoid it and put energy into it instead of achieving their goals and dreams.

To overcome this conditioning, honor that voice within you that laments missed opportunities and warns you of obstacles. This voice appears when you try to step out of your comfort zone and warns you that you are in danger and addresses your fear and insecurity. You have to realize that this voice is sabotaging you and that it is not you, it is not your authentic self.

Try to identify your deepest needs and desires independently of this voice, create space for them, get them into the habit of thinking about what you want instead of what prevents you from achieving it.

You need a strong reason why you want something

What do you want? Photo: Andrey Zvyagintsev / Unspalsh
Maybe you want a stable emotional relationship or career advancement, health? Whatever you desire, you need to connect with and better understand your deepest intentions in order to realize them. With this, you discover important aspects of yourself and the motives of your desires. You may find that these goals are not worth the effort if, find what is worthwhile and what is more meaningful and fulfilling to you.

Ask yourself these questions!

How would your life change if you achieved all your goals in a few months or years? Would you be a different person? How would you behave? Try to get a sense of such a future. By doing this, you invite your subconscious mind to participate and establish a habit of empowering thoughts in opposition to that sabotaging voice.

Your goal must be tied to strong feelings and you must have a compelling reason to achieve it. It has to be something that engages you on the deepest level and that you believe in. You need to have a compelling why, laced with strong emotions, that will help you realize your desires.

Invoke feelings of love, gratitude and passion to bring your inner visions to life.

Spend some time with yourself, keep a journal... this alone will save you years of effort and disappointment. Many people who skipped this part, which is about deep insights, achieved their goals with great efforts and sacrifices. In doing so, they realized that they are neither happy nor fulfilled and that their lives are neither better nor easier.

Visualize success to achieve your goals
Imagine what your future could be and work every day to get closer to that vision.

Be happy! Photo: Constantin Panagopoulos / Unsplash
The key to achieving your goals is dedication and persistence, but there are other factors to consider. You have to work intelligently to overcome the obstacles and disappointments that come along the way. You should see them as lessons and challenges and an opportunity to learn something more about yourself.

You have to visualize yourself achieving your goals. Encourage yourself. Visualization is a powerful motivational tool. Not only that, the clearer the picture in your mind, the more accurate the instructions you give to your subconscious. The subconscious then works with your intentions instead of sabotaging them.

Everything you want is on the other side of your fears. Face them and defeat them to see what you're up to. The degree to which you are willing to fulfill your desires is based on your ability to overcome short-term obstacles to long-term success.

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