
Personality test: Why do you run away from serious relationships?

Photo: Adria Garcia Sarceda / Unsplash

Are you afraid of being vulnerable? Are you afraid of commitment? Don't want to be hurt? Do you not open up to another person because you are afraid that she will leave you when she realizes your true self, your mistakes and shortcomings?

Very often we are not aware of the roots of certain reactions. The human mind works in such a way that sometimes we don't even know what is the root of certain reactions, so we seem to suddenly feel insecure and irritable, which greatly affects partner relationships.

This test could reveal to you what most often drives you to insecurity in relationships, why you feel unprepared to accept love.

The first thing you notice in the illustration will give you the answer as to why you run away from serious relationships and whether you completely indulge in love relationships.

If you first notice the person with the cape

A person with a cloak is on both sides of the illustration, so if one of them catches your eye, you dream that the right person will conquer you. But at the same time, you fear how vulnerable this surrender might make you.

You realize that for a stable relationship you need to allow your partner to see you as you really are. It might even be a scary thought for you. You fear the possibility of someone knowing you completely, all your strengths and weaknesses, thoughts and secrets.

Don't let your fears stop you from finding love that will last forever. Keep in mind that it's completely natural to have defense mechanisms, but talk to your partner about this so they can adjust. Self-awareness is key.

If you see the face first

You are not a selfish person, but you like to do things the way you set your mind. Your biggest trigger for relationship problems is your fear of being expected to put your partner's needs before your own.

But if it's important to you to have a stable relationship with someone, you should work on developing your emotional intelligence and maturity. Of course, taking care of yourself is necessary, but that doesn't mean you have to completely eliminate the needs of the other party.

If you see a tree first

When someone threatens your privacy and the time you are used to spending alone, you become a completely different person. It bothers you that you have to spend a lot of your time with your partner, you wonder if this is really necessary for a good love relationship. You just don't like it and it's your biggest obstacle.

The cause of your anxiety in relationships is the question of whether you will still have time to enjoy the solitude you love so much.

If you fall in love with someone who understands you and really wants to be with you, they will understand your need to love being alone. Don't let the what-if questions stop you from having a quality love relationship.

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