
Steklarna Hrastnik set up the highest glass 3D-puzzle in the world!

The world's tallest glass 3D Puzzle in the shape of a pyramid.

Steklarna Hrastnik built an 8.5-ton 3D-puzzle in the shape of a pyramid from 20,708 Glass Puzzle cups, which are made of one of the highest quality glasses in the world (it achieves the luster of crystal and does not contain heavy metals). The structure is 2.71 meters high, 3.41 meters wide and 4.04 meters long. With it, the glass factory broke the Guinness record in the 3D puzzle category.

Glass factory Hrastnik she set the highest glass 3D-puzzle in the world and is waiting to be enrolled in Guinness Book of Records. It's a pyramid-shaped puzzle from 20,708 Puzzle glass cups an average of five people built for four days.

READ MORE: Guinness record: The longest pizza in the world is now 2 kilometers long!

The Hrastnik glass factory has built the highest glass 3D puzzle in the world.
Steklarna Hrastnik built the highest glass 3D puzzle in the world.

Glass 3D puzzles can be anything until January 8, 2017 can be seen in the POP UP shop of Steklarne Hrastnik in BTC City Ljubljana (Hall A). The construction of the pyramid was made possible by a combination of glass quality, 3D modularity of Puzzle glass cups and technically sophisticated production that allows for horizontal and vertical stacking. The record is the result of cooperation between Steklarna Hrastnik and BTC through the glassworks club PBC1860, which enables young people to gain much-needed practical experience by working on practical projects. With the pyramid, they wanted to show what they enable the user with award order dot award-winning Puzzle mugs.

Gallery - the tallest pyramid glass 3D puzzle in the world:

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