
Hugs: they are a mysterious natural "booster" for children's brains! Children are smarter because of them!

Photo: envato elements
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Have you ever thought that your hug is like a secret code to unlock your child's superpowers? If you haven't already, it's time to do it! A hug is like a magic button that turbocharges your little one's brain. And no, this is not some science fiction, but actual science fiction!

Why are hugs better than chocolate?

When hug your baby, it's not just a warm and fuzzy connection that happens. Real scientific pyrotechnics are taking place in the background! Hugging is like the secret ingredient in the recipe for genius. Nationwide Children's Hospital of Ohio revealed, “The more we hug children, the more they become… brilliant!” So, every time you hug your baby, you're actually giving them a mini brain “boost”!

What do the scientific detectives say?

Photo: envato elements
The research included 125 child volunteers, including some small fighting premature babies. And guess what? These little heroes became real little superheroes with the help of hugs. Babies who were held more had a stronger brain response. It's like giving them a super-powered energy drink, but without the sugar!

How many hugs is optimal?

Well, here is the scientific formula for success:

  • 4 hugs a day = basic level (like morning coffee)
  • 8 hugs a day = medium level (like a double espresso)
  • 12 hugs a day = expert level (like turbo coffee with extra foam)

And don't forget the magic number: 7 to 20 seconds. During this time, your body releases oxytocin, a hormone that lowers blood pressure and reduces stress. It's like a mini spa for your baby!

Photo: envato elements
Hugs are not only warm and cozy. They are like the secret superhero formula that every parent carries in their hands. So, the next time you feel like a mere mortal, remember that you have the most powerful tool in your hands - a hug! And remember, respect your child's boundaries. Although hugs work wonders, it's important to know when enough is enough.

So, dear parents, get ready to hug and let the magic begin to work!

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