
I don't need you to save me. I need you to be by my side.

"We are all a little unusual. Life is also a little unusual. And when we find someone as unusual as ourselves, we unite with them in a shared feeling of unusualness that we call love. True love." - Robert Fulghum.

I solve my own problems. Your hardships. And I swim through the hurricanes of life. I've always been a fighter, so I know how to take care of myself. I know what I need to do to get out of the darkness and find happiness. I know what I have to do to find peace within myself and I know it's not easy. I know how difficult such a journey is. But I don't mind. I always find a way out of the dark. And I know it will be the same now. I don't need someone to save me.

I can handle this on my own. As long as I'm breathing, I'll keep falling and picking myself up again and again, because that's the only way I can learn and grow. No matter how hard life gets, I will face the storm and treat it like it's just a cold shower.

I know that I will succeed if I keep fighting for what I stand for. I will continue to tirelessly pursue the things that warm my heart and soul. I will do whatever it takes to achieve the life I've always dreamed of.

The only thing I want to ask you is: "Will you be by my side? Will you be my best friend, my soul mate and all my secrets? And above all, will you accept me as I am?"

I don't need you to save me. I need you to be by my side.

I need you to be safe shelter, where I can return to after a busy day. I need you to be someone I trust with all my secrets. Someone who I am been looking for all these years. I need you to me you hug and comfort when I'm at the bottom. I need you to be there for me and me loved with the same intensity as I will love you.

I need you to be my star, my ally and my wildest motivation. Will you be with me when I find myself in the dark? Will you run away? I need to know if I can trust you completely.

That's all I ask of you. Would you be that special someone for me?

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