
I don't want a man who comes back... I want a man who never leaves!

If someone loves you and is meant for you, why would you ever leave?

Mitzi J Hernandez, a writer and bodybuilder, expresses her thoughts through the written word on the Thought Catalog portal.

I came across this quote a few days ago: "If someone comes back, keep them, if they don't, they're not meant for you!" or something similar. I started to think. I thought that if someone loves you and if they are meant for you, why would you ever leave?

Again and again someone from the past tries to re-enter my life. Men I dated months or even years ago are asking me for another chance. Every man I dated was different and each of them had their own reason for leaving. They weren't ready, it wasn't the right time, or maybe they realized they couldn't provide everything I asked for. Maybe they changed and are ready now. Maybe this time they are real and honest. But I don't care, they should have kept me when they had me. At this point, nothing you say or do matters anymore.

These men briefly visited my heart, explored my body, played with my mind and left a bitter taste in my mouth. They left me with broken pieces of my heart and they didn't care. I left them in the past and have no intention of bringing any of them back into my life. But I wish them well and hope they are happy.

I believe people change and I believe in second chances, but I think when you finally find the right one, nothing can stop you from being with that person. Because when someone truly loves you, they don't leave. I don't want a man who comes back, I want a man who doesn't leave.

When you finally find the right one, nothing can stop you from being with that person!

I understand that if he stays with me, it won't always be the easiest choice. And when there are arguments, disagreements, it will always be easier to leave than to face the situation. I want a man who will stick around to fix things instead of leaving when things get tough.

I want a man who doesn't leave when I'm at my worst. I want a man who will stand by me on the days when I am not the easiest to love. He will stay and never stop fighting for me because he knows I would do the same for him.

I want a man who will stay with me and face the unknown. I know our journey together will be a wild roller coaster. But no one said love would always be easy. Loving me will be an exciting experience with ups and downs, and if he stays with me he will have to prepare for the unexpected, because there will still be many things beyond our control. But together we will face any challenges that come our way and we will not let anything defeat us.

I want a man who will have the freedom to walk through that door and never look back. He will choose not to leave because he knows the good outweighs the bad. He will stay because he knows that what he has with me, he will not be able to find anywhere else. He will stay, no matter how hard it gets. He will stay with me even when it would be much easier for him to get up and leave.

I want a man who stays the first time. A man who recognizes how rare it is to find a woman like me and will hold on to me and not let go. I want a man who really sees me - not just my physical features, but sees through me. I want a man who sees the good and the bad. A man who sees that I am far from perfect and is not scared by "ugly" parts.

For once in my life I just want a man who won't leave. I'm tired of people leaving. I'm tired of starting over.

I want a man who will stay in my heart and build a permanent home. I want a man who understands that it won't always be easy. It won't always be simple. It will get difficult and complicated. But I promise it will be worth it. I promise I will never give him up. And I promise to make sure he always feels loved and appreciated.

I will never leave him - as long as he is with me.

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