
I took a genetic test and... the first part of discovering my DNA has passed!


Have you ever wondered what is hidden in your DNA? I'm not talking about who your ancestors are, where you come from and whether you have any blue blood in you... I'm talking about how your genes, what was laid in your cradle, affects how you age, what is your metabolism, heart health, where are you with vitamins and minerals, what is your athletic performance and why the hell are you so subject to the yo-yo effect when losing weight?!

Because I believe that genes are miraculous and hold many secrets that I should know, I decided to undergo genetic test. Why? As I have had enough of trying nutritional supplements "in vain", I would like to know why I am so subject weight fluctuations, which is the best exercise for me based on my genes, so where will the effectiveness be greatest, and what factors into all of this stress. I'm guessing a big one, but will have to take the test first and wait for the results.

I chose the company's genetic test GenePlanet, as it is about by far the most complete test in terms of what you can learn about yourself and your lifestyle DNA. There are as many as six genetic tests in their range, and each of them focuses on a specific area of our lives with important insight into your general health and well-being.

Let me just introduce them to you quickly (I was personally most interested in the first three).

Diet and body weight

Analyzing our genetic predispositions can help us adjust our diet and lifestyle to achieve the best possible results - an optimally balanced diet and a healthy weight.

Metabolism and lifestyle

Genetic analysis of the efficiency of our metabolism, addiction risk, sleep cycle and stress management helps us assess their impact on our daily lives and habits, allowing us to make better lifestyle decisions.

Sports performance

Physical activity is vital to a healthy life, but not everyone benefits equally from the same sporting activities. With this test, we can find out which recreation is best for our body according to our genetic predispositions.

Heart health

Analyzing our heart health based on our genetics can help us adjust our meals and daily life. The combination of a proper diet and an active lifestyle are a prerequisite for maintaining a strong heart!

Skin health and aging

Analyzing our genetic predisposition to skin health and how quickly it ages can help us adjust our skin care, diet and lifestyle. With this, we can prevent the effects of aging and maintain a youthful and healthy appearance of the skin.

Vitamins and minerals

Among other things, our DNA can reveal to us whether, based on genetic predispositions, we are prone to vitamin and mineral deficiencies. With this information, we can help adjust our diet and find out the actual nutritional needs of our body. Bone density and susceptibility to oxidative stress can offer insight into potential health risks.

I'm going to get tested, keep your fingers crossed!

So let's go to the testing itself, for which I was very positively surprised, because it was done in the blink of an eye! You don't need to go anywhere - you can do everything in the shelter of your own home. Big plus point!

This is how the GenePlanet genetic test comes in... You have to admit that it's quite "hip"!

Let's go step by step.

1. First you go to their website - geneplanet.com. There you buy the test you want to take, throw it in the basket, swipe the card and the test is on its way to you. I myself chose the Premium package, I go all or nothing.

2. When you receive it, you type app.geneplanet.com, you create an account and register the test with the code you receive in the kit. This step is important because they link the sample to your carefully guarded user account based on registration.

What do you find in the package? The package contains detailed instructions for performing the test, a saliva collector, absorbent paper, a special bag where you put the test, another plastic packaging where you put the test and a pre-addressed envelope in which you send your sample for testing. So everything is taken care of!

3. Now the fun part begins! Collecting the sample. Carefully read the instructions for taking a saliva sample - remember, do not eat, drink, smoke or chew for 30 minutes before taking the sample. Fill the saliva collector (you spit into the collector funnel) up to the mark. You gently shake the funnel - this allows the stabilizing fluid to flow into the reservoir - and then unscrew it. You close the collector with the stopper, which is located on the bottom side, and then gently turn it upside down a few times.. You pack everything as written in the instructions.

This is a saliva collector. Let the fun begin!

4. You put the test in a pre-addressed envelope, head to the nearest mailbox and voila, your DNA is on its way to testing! If you can't submit the sample the same day, keep it at room temperature!

5. When your results are ready, you will be notified by email. I'm still waiting myself, but I really can't wait!

To make it easier for you, you can also watch a video that nicely shows how the testing is done!

By the way, whether you decide to take the test or not, you can calculate yours for free at geneplanet.com Health Score, which you get when you answer the questionnaire and enter your body measurements. The Health Score represents the result of your current state of health. It is represented by a number. Based on the evaluation and recommendations for improvement, you can improve your result day by day. Mine is close to optimal, not optimal, but close. 🙂

And not to forget - there is a sequel! As soon as I get the tests, I'll report what I discovered about myself and my body! This will be interesting...


If you are looking for a unique gift, give a Lifestyle DNA test! With the code GIFT25 you save as much as 25 percent!


About GenePlanet

GenePlanet started its business journey in 2008 with the vision that as many people as possible around the world would have the opportunity to discover their own DNA. By doing this, you could change your old habits, enjoy the benefits of better nutrition and exercise in a way that would allow for the best possible results. Genes play a very important role in our lives and are responsible for making each of us unique.

The company GenePlanet thus offers DNA tests adapted to individuals, because they believe that a customized approach is the only way to a healthier and more refined life.

In addition to DNA tests in the field of lifestyle, you can also do:

  • blood tests – evaluate your cardiovascular health based on blood markers that are associated with the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases;
  • NOTHING – non-invasive prenatal screening test;
  • Cancer Screen – one of the most comprehensive tests to detect the risk of developing cancer.

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