
I Want to Be Loved: 11 Surprising Reasons You're Longing for Love

"Love is like life: not a comfortable and peaceful state, but a great and wonderful adventure". - A. Fayol

There's nothing wrong with being a little lost and often thinking about wanting to be loved. You have stopped wasting time on social networks, dating sites and the like. It seems like everyone you know has the perfect love life. Don't worry, there are many worse things in this world than not having a loved one right now.

There are a number of possible reasons why you may be feeling eager and desperate for love and affection right now. Look, some of them may surprise you.

1. Expectations are too high

Don't stress about it. We all expect a lot from love, even if it doesn't always turn out the way we imagine. Remember, if you have too high expectations you will drive away any potential partners who might be good for you.

You will not find a person who pleases you in all areas. There are no perfect people. Perfection is not real life. But you can find someone who works hard every day even though they are flawed (just like you and everyone else).

Right now, you're worried and desperate for love, mostly because you haven't given yourself the chance to experience it. Lower the slats at least one rung and look around.

2. If you become single, you feel like no one likes you in the same second

Being without a partner for a while can wreak havoc on your mental health. You will feel that something inside you is screaming: "No one likes me. Nobody will love me.” Get those words out of your head. The time you spend single has nothing to do with someone not loving you.

Sometimes things just work out, that's life. You mustn't let it affect your view of yourself. You are an amazing person.

3. You spend time with people who don't like you

Being surrounded by narcissistic people can make you feel very bad around them. Stop and look around you. Who you surround yourself with affects you more than you can imagine. Don't let narcissistic, toxic people get close to filling your head with their weird logic.

You only spend time with people who appreciate, encourage and love you for who you are. The rest do not belong in your life, put them at the door. Close the window!

4. Watching romantic movies has given you unrealistic expectations

Maybe you've been dreaming of that seemingly perfect movie romance. But movies are not real life. It's time to face reality.

You won't find your prince charming who will sweep the floor from under your feet and take you to his kingdom to live happily ever after. Movies are a great escape from real life and not a substitute for real life.

5. You are jealous of the "perfect" couples on social networks

You are shown the perfect photos of happy couples. Perfection that is only possible on social networks. This is not reality. Sure, those couples might be really happy at that moment, but they're not perfect all the time. Nobody is.

Do you really think things are always perfect? Far from it. People only post what they want you to see.

6. You can't shake the feeling of despair and hopelessness

You hope that the person will call you, ask you out on a date or... And when you realize that it won't happen, you fall into the abyss of hopelessness.

It is important to know that there is a way out of the abyss. Talk to someone you trust who values you. You won't feel this way forever. Remember this.

7. Your self-esteem has plummeted because of a recent breakup

Your ex-partner filled you with doubts. Doubt yourself.

Believe in yourself. Don't be confused. You are much more than what your ex-partner has to say about you. There is a reason why they are no longer in your life.

8. Everyone is too busy with their own lives

It seems like everyone is doing what they love, being happy and – to top it all off – having their love lives sorted. It makes you feel alone and lonely. It hurts, but you're happy for them to live their lives to the fullest even as you stand by and watch them with pain in your eyes.

But to get to where they are and what they have now, they probably also experienced something bad. Who knows, maybe you too are at a crossroads right now. You just have to hang on a little longer to get through this mess.

9. You don't know how to love yourself

When was the last time you did something kind for yourself? What can you do for yourself that will make you value yourself more? The love in your life starts with loving yourself. You can't just be despicable and then wonder why you're not loved.

Be the first to offer yourself an abundance of love. Do things that make you happy. Realize the incredible importance of self-love. When you do this, everything that's bothering you won't seem so bleak and dark anymore.

10. You miss physical affection

There are tons of perks in a romantic relationship, like kisses and hugs. Maybe you're lying on the couch reading a book while your partner is holding your hand or stroking your hair.

You walk down the street and feel their hand holding you firmly. Little things like this make life seem so much better. Touch releases feel-good hormones.

11. You have so much love inside of you

So much love that we would like to give, but there is no right person anywhere to receive it. After everything you've been through, after all the trials and efforts and efforts to learn to love yourself, you're all alone. But don't let that deter you from love.

Love comes in the most unexpected moments. Today you may feel bad and feel like no one will ever love you, but tomorrow everything can turn around. And that's the beauty of life.

You never really know what it will bring you, what it will offer you. To think that it will always be the way it is is foolish. Do not lose faith in yourself and love.

One day, all of this will be just a memory that will disappear the moment you drink your morning coffee with the love of your life.

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