
If you died tomorrow... what would you regret the most?

Would it be that you didn't follow your dreams?

Have you let time go by without getting to know yourself and focusing on what you were put on this earth to do? Did you suppress your ambitions to do what you wanted while working at a job you hated? Have you given up on your dreams because you didn't believe you could achieve them? Have you lost faith in yourself or let your fear of failure stop you from even trying? Did you try hard enough?

Would it be to spend more quality time with family and friends? Were you always too busy to plan, or even worse, didn't stick to what you agreed to? Did you allow weeks, months to pass before you went to visit your parents, friends? Have you forgotten the true meaning of quality time? And not the kind where you stare at your phone screen while sitting anywhere with anyone. When was the last time you had a real, deep, intellectual conversation with someone, or reminisced about old times and laughed at the memories?

When was the last time you had a real, deep, intellectual conversation with someone or reminisced about old times and laughed at the memories?
When was the last time you had a real, deep, intellectual conversation with someone, or reminisced about old times and laughed at the memories?

Would it be how you treated others? Have you often created unnecessary drama or stress due to your tiredness and inability to be empathetic? Were you constantly looking for conflicts, or maybe you didn't even know you had them? Were you projecting your negativity onto people who were trying to make you happy? Did you mostly complain about the little things instead of appreciating those who loved you? Do you want to be more kind and respectful to others? Do you know that you could be more grateful for the people who were in your life, the ones who loved you despite the fact that you hurt them intentionally or unintentionally?

Could it be that you didn't take time for yourself? Many times we argue because of conflicts that we actually have within ourselves, but we are not even aware of it. Have you thought about how much negative energy you gave off by behaving like that? Have you let your own turmoil keep you from being the best version of yourself? Have you never taken the time to stop blaming others for your mistakes, problems? Have you ever thought about what you could do better?

Could it be that you didn't take time for yourself?
Could it be that you didn't take time for yourself?

Would it be that you did not love with all your heart? Have you spent years in a relationship that you knew was going nowhere? Did you stay with someone for convenience, even when the love faded? Have you loved someone with all your heart, but you forgot to show it or remind them that you love them every chance you get? Have you let silly arguments overshadow your love? Have you forgotten the small but so important things? Were you so comfortable with someone that you stopped showing them your affection? Have you taken this person for granted? Have you lost the love you had?

Would it be that you became bitter? Have you let your past pain turn you into a sad shrouded soul? Have you allowed her to overshadow the person you once were? Have you drowned in negativity without ever thinking about how to overcome this bitterness? Have you focused so much of your energy on negative things that you have forgotten all the positive things in life?

Would it be that you became veiled?
Would it be that you became bitter?

Would it be that you allowed your life to revolve only around money? Have you forgotten the true meaning of happiness, love and family? Did you put money first? Money is important, but you should never put it before love and family, or even before your true happiness. Didn't you realize that you will never look back and remember money - you will only remember memories, love and happy times. Money is not important enough to make your life revolve around it.

Would it be that you didn't explore the world? Have you stayed in your little corner of the earth all your life? Have you forgotten that there is a whole world out there? Did you miss this opportunity to travel? Didn't you grab life by the horns and take risks and go to new places whenever you could? Have you been waiting to take your dream vacation and now it's too late?
Would it be that you let life pass you by without even realizing what you were put on this earth to do? You are here for a reason and life can certainly end in an instant. Don't let it pass you by. Live to the end.

Would it be that you didn't explore the world?
Would it be that you didn't explore the world?

Take the ups and downs as they come, they will never be perfect. Do the best you can. Appreciate the people around you and remember that they may not be there forever. Be strong to get through the bad and respect all the good. Never lose yourself or those you love. Take time to reflect on yourself and your inner battles so that you can overcome them. You can use this trip to become a better person in all areas...

… in such a way that if you were to die tomorrow, you would know within yourself that you lived a life in which you became the best possible version of yourself.

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