
If only 100 people lived in the world

What if only 100 people lived in the world

Are you interested in what a world with only 100 inhabitants would look like? There are over 7.4 billion people living today, but if the population were reduced to 100, or 50 men and 50 women, the world would look like this in today's conditions. There would be 11 of them in Europe, 14 in America, 60 in Asia and 15 in Africa. Check out other interesting statistics that would apply if only 100 people lived in the world.

If only 100 people lived in the world and if the statistical ratios were the same, among the hundred there would be 31 Christians, 23 Muslims, 15 Hindus and 7 Buddhists, and the rest would not be members of any religion. 12 would speak Chinese (Mandarin), six Spanish, five English, four Hindi and three Arabic.

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21 people would be overweight, 63 would be healthy, 15 would be undernourished, and one would starve.
21 people would be overweight, 63 would be healthy, 15 would be undernourished, and one would starve.

The image of a world where only 100 people would live would look like this through the glasses of wages: 15 people would earn less than two dollars a day, 56 between 2 and 10, 13 between 10 and 20, 9 between 20 and 50, 6 between 50 and 90 and one person more than 90 dollars per day. One person would also manage more than 50 percent of all money! You can find even more crazy statistics in the attached video.

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