
If science is to be believed, we will only work 4 days a week in the future

People who earn their salary based on the work done usually want to finish their tasks in as little time as possible. So why is it necessary to visit the workplace 5 days a week?

Experts from University of Oxford, who deal with productivity, came to an interesting conclusion. They are convinced that they are employees who work 4 days a week, happier and more efficient like their counterparts with 5-day workday.

During the research, they were taken under scrutiny 5000 workers in to the BT call centre. After each week, they rated their level of happiness and productivity. They did it in 4 working days greater number of calls, and at the same time, their attitude towards work more positive. It has also increased satisfaction of their customers, which was reflected in the larger sales.

With a 4-hour working day to greater productivity.
With a 4-hour working day to greater productivity.

Researchers believe that the 5-day workday to people it does not allow for a decent rest during the weekend. An extended break would provide workers with a greater dose of energy. We have to admit that there is probably not enough time to rest, especially in the case of a Saturday party.

Do you have enough time to rest during the weekend?
Do you have enough time to rest during the weekend?

In all likelihood, we will not see a 4-day workday in the near future. Regardless, we believe that practically no one would defend Mondays off.

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