
If you are a highly sensitive person, you need these 5 things to be happy!

"If you are a stone, be loving; if you are a plant, be sensitive; if you are a human, be kind." - Victor Hugo

You may have heard that some people claim that you are "too sensitive" as if it's a bad thing - but it's actually a gift.

Highly sensitive people represent from 15 to 20 percent of the population, says the psychologist and author of the book The Highly Sensitive Person, dr. Elaine Aaron. According to her research, highly sensitive people have brains that work differently than others. They have an innate ability to process information more deeply and can read between the lines of both people and situations.

People rarely accept sensitivity as a strength rather than a weakness. You are constantly bombarded with ideas that you need to be strong and have "thick skin" in order to achieve anything in this world.

Sensitive people are rarely celebrated for their unique superpowers that allow them to be very connected to the environment and people around them. Highly sensitive people are often misunderstood, thought to be simply shy, withdrawn or socially anxious - but this is far from the case. They are just highly sensitive. And such people they live life in a way that will make them happier than most.

Here are five things highly sensitive people need to be happy.

Time in solitude and silence

Like empaths, sensitive people feel exhausted when exposed to crowds and noise. In order to function, they need to process the things that have happened to them, so don't be surprised to find that a highly sensitive person would rather opt for a quiet night at home than partying with a group of people.

Green surfaces

Many studies link the benefits of nature to improved mental health – and this is even more pronounced in highly sensitive people. Not only do highly sensitive people enjoy nature, they need it. Especially if a highly sensitive person lives in the city, their nervous system can easily become saturated with the sensory overload, speed and sounds of modern life. Nature allows them to enjoy a break from the hustle and bustle they encounter every day.

Not only do highly sensitive people enjoy nature, they need it

An empty space in the schedule

Sensitive people need a slow pace to feel comfortable in life. They hate feeling rushed or that they don't have enough time to think about their decisions and weigh their options. A free schedule on Saturday morning can further reassure them, as it gives them the feeling that they will not need to rush anywhere.

Respect and recognition

Highly sensitive people may find it difficult to have friends or colleagues who tolerate their emotional nature. "Sensitive people can't help themselves, they have to express what they feel," Dr. Aron said for The Huffington Post. "They show their anger, they show their happiness. Respect is very important to them. "

Meaningful relationships

They are not interested in superficial relationships and meaningless conversations. Highly sensitive people are very selective in their search for people with whom they can share intimate and meaningful interactions. Interestingly, this is what makes highly sensitive people great partners. Not only are they aware of their needs, but yours as well. They are happy when they see you happy.

Highly sensitive people make excellent partners.

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