
If you eat that many calories a day, you'll age more slowly, a new study has found

Photo: envato

If we knew how many calories to eat, we could live longer, improve our health and slow down the aging process. This is what a new study found!

Calorie counting: According to science, this is the ideal number of calories for a longer life

A new study has found how many calories you need to eat to live longer. It turns out that by reducing a certain percentage of calorie intake, we can improve our health in many more ways than we previously thought. According to a study published in the journal Science, it was found that a group of people who reduced their calorie intake for two years , improved the immune system and regulated metabolic function.

Photo: envato

How many calories should you be eating?

All of the participants were in good health and were between the ages of 21 and 50, but according to Eric Ravussin, one of the researchers behind the study, it appears that by cutting calories, the body made more T cells and also slowed down aging. But that's not all, because the formation of these cells helped the body to burn fatty acids and reduce the fat that accumulates around the organs. So how many calories should you be eating? The results show that a 14 percent reduction in normal calories is enough, provided that you already consume the right amount and nothing more and you are not overweight. And although the data was obtained after two years of the participants' dietary changes, the scientists believe that the effects could appear even earlier, but more research is needed.

Although it is already known that a healthy and varied diet is the best thing we can do for our health, we still do not know all the benefits it actually has for our body. The article "Cuántas caloríos hay que comer para vivir más, según la ciencia" by Guillermina Carro originally appeared on revistaqg.com .

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