
If you don't love yourself, no one will: illustrations that show you how to fall in love

If you don't love yourself, no one will: illustrations that show you how to fall in love

Personal growth manuals and life coaches can help us fall in love to a certain extent, but the greatest teacher is ourselves. Our mind, heart and soul must sense that it is time to live a life full of love, admiration and self-respect. The process is long and never-ending, but even the hardest nut can succeed. Why can't you do it too?

It seems that modern society is prone to negative thinking more than ever. Fast lifestyle, consumerism, materialism, individualism, quick satisfaction of wants and needs are just a collection of some concepts that they put pressure on the little man to the point that it never does finds inner satisfaction.

All these concepts, which affect the our happiness, she captured in her illustrations Alison Rachel, known on Instagram as recipesforselflove. She struggled with depression her whole life and took a long time to learn how to live a fulfilled life. And he's still learning.

She has been creating illustrations for her Instagram profile for two years and has built a circle of loyal followers who believe she can they change their view of themselves. Her inspiring illustrations are sure to teach you how to fall in love.

Gallery: Inspirational illustrations that show you how to fall in love

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