
If you give a man these 5 things, he will love you more than his life!

Such a woman will not be abandoned by men, because she is a rare gem!

There is no universal recipe that works for all relationships! But there are some things that men do they simply need it. And if you don't allow them to do that, a long-term relationship is in big question!

That's why it's wise to consider the following 5 things.


Although they may never admit it out loud, even to themselves, it is extremely important for men to be loved and respected by a woman. Only when he feels your SINCERE respect will he be able to feel calm and safe with you.


Men need personal space to breathe, and you probably do too. You really don't need to call him every hour and flood him with messages full of hearts and kisses, constantly asking him if he loves you... You will suffocate him. No matter how strong your feelings are, show him in a different way. If you suffocate him, he will have the feeling that he has landed in prison, from which he will want to escape as soon as possible.

Men don't like you suffocating them!
Men don't like you suffocating them!

Tenderness and attention

Women are considered a symbol of tenderness and attention, and men, no matter how old they are, yearn for them like three-year-old children. But not because they are weak or immature and need maternal care, but because they are strong and can defend women against everyone else. When they get tired of these struggles, they need your attention, tenderness, comfort and kind words.


This is one of the most common problems men face in relationships - women just don't understand them, even when they love and respect them unconditionally. They usually do not understand their social, business or sexual needs. In such situations, couples accuse each other every day of not understanding each other, and therefore such relationships are mostly doomed to failure. A woman who will fully understand a man will never be taken for granted. Men will never leave such a woman.

Understanding is key! So communicate and keep an open mind.
Understanding is key! So communicate and keep an open mind.

A sense of importance

If a man has reason to believe that he is not just a source of money or an "acceptable option", he will do everything possible and impossible to make you happy! It is extremely important for a man to feel important, appreciated and desired in the life of his lady.

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