
If you turn off your cell phone after 8pm, your evenings could become extremely hot!

Are you sitting on the couch looking at your smartphone? Is it making your love life boring? Are they even becoming autosexual? Then turn off your smartphone after 8 p.m. and watch what happens.

Sometimes it's the majority a child formed in long winter nights, when couples surrendered to each other and had a lot of time for bed activities. Today it is different. We are in front of "blue" screens most of the time. Even when we're watching TV. That's also why ours love lives they cool down faster than they used to.

That's why these are here 6 tips, which will completely change the perception of "time" after 8 p.m., and at the same time it will completely change your sexuality!

Think outside the box.
If you always have sex in the bedroom, on the bed, it's time to turn your sexual routine on its head. The idea of creating new, different memories will give you an extra boost, mentally and visually, so be sure to try new rooms, hotels, public spaces where you are still hidden from view, and weekend trips that will help you lose it, at least for a little while. contact with reality.

Do you find everyone wandering off to their phones?

Make your love life a priority. Ok, we won't go so far as to advise you to organize your time so that you have to have sex several times a week, but you should find time to give your love life pay a little more attention than before. Instead of scheduling days when you'll have sex, simply make it a rule that every day after 8 p.m. it's your time. Turn off your cell phone, enjoy a movie together, or just snuggle under the covers. In this way, you will connect more intensively, first emotionally and mentally, and then physically.

Make only one change. Even the smallest change can have a huge effect, especially if you are used to always being in the same place, the same pose, the same toys (or if you don't use toys). Buy a new toy, a sexy uniform, or simply suggest a new pose.

Focus on yourself. How often you will exchange affections with your partner and how your sex will look also depends on how confident and sexy you feel in your own skin. If you lack confidence, you rarely feel super comfortable and relaxed when you start undressing in front of your partner. Do something for yourself that will make you feel like a goddess. Take care of seductive skin, buy new sexy underwear or go to the hair salon and make a complete transformation and... welcome to the new era of fantastic sex!

Conversation is mandatory! We tend to forget or repress our sexual desires, fantasies and needs, but unfortunately no one can read our minds. Talk openly with your partner and confess to him everything you fantasize about and would like to try or bring into the bedroom. Be tactful and tell him how much you adore him as well as yours sex life, but how do you have an idea to make it even better. You will get what you wanted, his ego will remain intact and everyone will be happy and satisfied!

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