
Do you want more intimacy in your relationship? Follow these simple instructions!

Photo: Envato

Awaken passion and lust in your partner throughout the day. Little by little. Hour by hour. Enjoy every moment and relive the excitement together.

Research shows that skin-to-skin contact is essential for mental, emotional and physical health and can help reduce the stress hormone cortisol and increase intimate mood.

Male and female sexual clocks are completely inconsistent. Women have the strongest desire for sex at 10 p.m., and men at 7:30 a.m. The difference can cause tension in and out of the bedroom, with 64 percent of women and 38 percent of men admitting that they make love when they don't feel like having sex.

Sexuality expert Georgette Culley suggests a simple guide to stimulate sexual desire. And how could you start a day full of intimacy?

7:00 Sensual shower

Usually people shower alone, this time take advantage of this time and shower together with your partner.
Spending just a few minutes together naked can do wonders for lust.

7:30 a.m. Prepare your clothes for work together

Couples usually dress at different times. Instead, ask your partner to pick out your underwear. Don't let him touch you, just tease him by giving him a glimpse of what he can get in the evening.
Flirting gets the mind thinking about sex, and this anticipation will make love even better and more intense.

9:00 A break to stimulate lust

Do not take coffee on the way to work, rather brew it and drink it at home with your partner.
Studies show that drinking just two cups of coffee a day could dramatically improve your sex life and help fight erectile dysfunction. If your partner likes their coffee sweet, add a teaspoon of vanilla syrup to really excite the senses. Vanilla is a known natural aphrodisiac that can increase sexual desire in both men and women.

Make your morning bath really refreshing. Photo: We Vibe Toys / Unsplash

11:00 Send him/her an intimate message

Brighten up your partner's morning by surprising him with a naughty intimate message when he least expects it. Studies show that people are more aroused when they are visually stimulated, so sending naughty messages is a great way to stimulate desire in your partner.

Do you both work from home? No problem, you work in different rooms of the house to create sexual tension.

13:00 Talk dirty

Don't switch to social media during lunch, but text or video your partner detailing what naughty things you're going to do to them in the evening.

15:00 Send your partner an e-mail

Most people's mood and energy drop during this time. Raise his ze with an email describing one of your sexual fantasies. Use a personal computer, not office equipment.

18:00 Pampering time

When you get home, focus on your partner first, not the messages on your phone. Turn it off and focus on each other with kisses, hugs and caresses. Just 20 seconds of hugging raises the level of oxytocin (the love hormone). In this way, you will become closer in the bedroom and outside it.

19:00 Dinner

Forget dining out or home delivery and prepare a delicious meal full of natural aphrodisiacs. Seafood risotto is a great choice, as shrimp and shellfish are full of amino acids that act as neurotransmitters in the brain to promote sexual vitality.

Don't forget about protection. Photo: Pixabay / Pexels

20: 00 Shared bath

Encourage romance and prepare a romantic candlelit bath. Setting the stage is the key to great sex, especially in long-term relationships where the desire for spontaneous intimacy is lost at times. If you become sexually aroused during it, do not have intercourse immediately, but treat yourself to a sensual massage.

21: 00 Movie

Forget about your usual movie night and prepare an erotic film for adults instead. Adult movies can be of great help in the bedroom if they are geared towards male and female pleasure. Discuss what content you both like.

23: 00 Try tantric sex

Before you dive under the covers, practice tantra for ten minutes to help you focus on each other and live in the moment. Synchronize your breathing and explore your partner's naked body by resisting the urge to have sex. Although this may be difficult, it will help build the arousal that will lead to bigger and better mutual climaxes.

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