
If you want to change your life, you have to change your perspective

Photo: Persnickety Prints / Unsplash

Your view of the world, of life is everything! Your view of the world, the breadth from which you look at it, determines your life. People who love live in a world full of love. Those who are afraid live in a world full of fear and danger. Those who do not trust anyone live in a world of deception and lies. What you feed your world with is what it is!

Your perspectives shape your reality, while perspective is shaped by your life experiences and interpretations of those experiences. It's hard to take control of your perspective because you've probably already become a product of circumstances and interpretations.

You have experienced trauma, disappointment, pain in all aspects of life. Realized that people are evil and the world is a hostile environment and that you can only expect the worst. It is difficult for you to even understand that your experiences and interpretations are narrow, subjective and that they can be expanded, objectified. And not only that, but also to transform and significantly change.

The first step to broadening your perspective is to yes accept life as it is instead of regretting that life is not what you think it should be. And that doesn't mean just letting things happen.

This means not letting things get out of your control. It means taking life one day at a time. It also means talking about your pain and knowing that sometimes pain doesn't go away, but becomes something you can live with.

You can live in your pain and unhappiness, wallow in your misery, or you can choose to see your life in a way that will bring you more benefits.

Believe in life and the learning process through everything that happens to you, through the good and the bad.

Believe in luck! Photo: Ravi Roshan/Unsplash

One way you can change your perspective is gratitude!

Make it easier to take good things for granted and forget about the people you were grateful for and the circumstances that saved you. Start writing. When you think about what you are grateful for, you will remember many people, events, circumstances, and your list of thanks will grow and grow - and you will feel very good about it.

This is a quick lesson that brings tangible results, because it makes you feel good. You find valuable things in your experiences that you cannot interpret distortedly and push into patterns of fear and uncertainty. Thus, practicing gratitude is very effective in broadening your perspective.

You can take control of your worldview by expanding it, changing the way you look at things, with less judgment, fear, regret and more acceptance and gratitude.

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