
If you understand the law of the universe, it is impossible not to achieve everything you desire

"A man's life is what his thoughts make of it." - Marcus Aurelius

Throughout history, philosophers and prophets have unanimously agreed on only one natural law—the law of the universe, which states that we become what we think.

This is the strangest secret. Why strange and why is it a secret, but not really a secret? This law was first proclaimed by some ancient sages, but later this same mystery also appeared in the Bible. Paradoxically, only a negligible number of people have learned and understood this secret. This marriage still remained a mystery to most people.

Marcus Aurelius, the great Roman emperor, said: "A man's life is what his thoughts make of it."

Benjamin Disraeli, one of the most famous British Prime Ministers in history, said: "Everything will come if one is patient. If a person has his goal, he will achieve it. Nothing can resist the desire that exists to fulfill its goal.”

William James, the great American philosopher and psychologist, said this: "We must behave coolly, feel and act as if our goal has already been achieved. This state of consciousness will undoubtedly make a connection with what we want to achieve and we will achieve or become it. This feeling that we are already successful, that we have already reached our goal, will become a daily habit that will make us feel better and be much more confident in ourselves and in what we do. But we really have to want to achieve our exclusive goal, and it's very important that we don't want a hundred other things at the same time that are not related to the current goal.”

"If you think negative, the results will be negative, if you think positive, you will achieve positive results," thought Norman Vincent Peale.

George Bernard Shaw said:"People always blame external circumstances for what they have become. I don't believe in the creation of circumstances. The people who succeed in today's world are the ones who look for the circumstances they want, the circumstances that suit them, and if they don't find them, they create them.”

Pretty obvious, right? We become what we think.

A person who thinks about a concrete goal will achieve it sooner rather than later because he is actively thinking about it. And vice versa. A person without a clear goal, a person who does not know where the path is leading, whose thoughts are therefore confused, who lives in stress, in daily fear and anxiety, will thereby create a life full of frustration, fear, stress and worry. And if she thinks of nothing, she will become nothing.

As we sow, so we reap.

To a large extent, the human mind can be compared to a farmer's field. The soil gives the farmer many choices. He can sow whatever he wants on this land. The earth does not care what the farmer sows on it. He decides about it himself.

Our mind, like a farmer's field, will return to us what we have sown. He doesn't care what we sow. If a farmer sows two seeds, for example one corn and one poisonous seed, he waters them well, fertilizes them, takes care of both plants. What do you think will happen?

The field does not care what the farmer has sown. When the time is right, he will return two beautiful plants, one nutritious and one poisonous. So what we have sown, we will also reap. That's a fact. We cannot change this law and we must not question it because it is simply the law of nature. We can't go against him. This is the same as the law of gravity.

The human mind is far more fertile, far more amazing and mysterious than a farmer's field, but it works exactly the same. He does not care what we plant in him - success or failure, whether we plant a concrete goal worthy of our ideals and values, or confusion, misunderstanding, fears, stress, depression and all other negative things. What we plant in our minds will come back to us.

At birth, our mind comes with a "package of tools" that life has given us for free. Free of charge! And we don't know how to appreciate the things we get for free. We only value the things we pay for. It's true. That's how we function. Paradoxically, all of this is really worth it. Priceless. We have been given our mind, our body, our soul, our hopes, our dreams, our ambitions, our intelligence, our love for our family, our children for free... All of this is priceless and free. The things we give money for can be exchanged at any time.

A man can lose everything at some point and make his fortune again, whatever misfortune befalls him, whatever winds break him on the way to his goal - he can do it all over again. If our house burns to the ground, we can rebuild it. But we can't replace all those wonderful things we got for free. So make your decision now!

Our mind is capable of doing any job we put it to, but in practice, instead of doing big jobs to achieve our big life goals, we use it to do small jobs that help others achieve their goals. To those who know where they are headed. To those who know what to do with their lives.

Decide now what you really want!

Put it all down on paper and plant that seed in your mind. This will be the most important decision you will make in your life. Do you want to succeed in a certain job, do you want to get rich, etc.? All you have to do is plant that goal in your mind, plant it deep in your mind and take good care of it so it doesn't wither. Be persistent and work towards the goal you set for yourself and sooner or later you will reach it. This will become a reality.

Not only will this definitely become a reality, but there is absolutely no way we will not achieve this goal. This is the law! Just like the law of gravity. You can always climb a building and jump down, but you can't go back. It is the same with all other laws of nature. They just always work!

Think about your goal in a positive and relaxed way. Imagine in your head that you have already achieved this goal. Relax your brain for a moment and imagine, experience yourself doing the things you will do when you reach your goal.

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