
Ignoring, the mother of all revenge: this is how intelligent people defeat scheming people

"If people try to trample you, it just means you're above them," goes the old saying.

In today's world, when everyone is driven by success, fame and power, morality and justice are slowly disappearing, fair play remains just a phrase, and "through dead bodies to the goal" becomes a necessity. Vanity is a part of every individual's working day, envy and jealousy are written in the eyes of many. Iniquity goes unpunished, and those who are uncorrupted and good do not know what to do!

When with your work, effort and in an honest way you overtake the (over)ambitious and self-righteous, they will feel the desire for revenge. They will start with intrigues and slander, they will try to bring you down to their level, they will tease you with ambiguous statements... If this starts to happen to you, you need to know only one thing: ignoring is the mother of all revenge!

"When you ignore a person, they wonder why. Even if he provoked such a reaction with clearly bad intentions, it will not give him peace." says psychologist Elizabeth Meyer.

He'll be wondering what you're thinking, what your next step is, why you did this and that, if you've revealed them… Because of all this, they will end up completely lost and revenge on themselves!

The old saying goes: "All that is necessary to defeat evil is for a good man to do nothing." This refers to the lack of reaction to other people's malice. Those who do not react to this and pretend that these things did not happen or that these persons do not exist, will not be broken by evil people! They will realize that everything they have done is in vain. And to make matters worse, they won't know what's going on in your head... This will drive them crazy, confuse them and prevent them from succeeding in their vile games. And this is the reason you need to repeat it again: ignoring is the mother of all revenge!

And intelligent people know this well. This is their weapon!

Ignoring is the mother of all revenge!
Ignoring is the mother of all revenge!

Such intelligent people…

… they speak through their works. They don't let their emotions rule their actions or let revenge get personal.

... they don't keep quiet just to put out the fire. They don't give in to corrupt people who scheme, or they only please them for the sake of peace and harmony in the environment. On the contrary - with ambiguous statements they let them know what kind of person they are!

… they do not isolate themselves. When we are attacked, especially by a close person, we quickly withdraw into self-isolation. But that's exactly what evil people want, because it makes you look guilty, and then they can take over whatever is left of your surroundings.

… they don't attack right back. In order not to be labeled as people who believe that "offense is the best defense", they let things stand for a while.

... become even more successful. A corrupt person will be most angered by someone else's happiness. This is just one of the reasons why intelligent people become more successful when someone tries to pull them down!

The worst thing you can do is reciprocate. In this case, you are no better than them. You know, evil should never be treated with evil!

So don't rummage through other people's mud and act according to your conscience!

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