
Ikea and NASA join forces

Assembling Ikea furniture isn't rocket science. After all, one of the basic guidelines of the Swedish giant is to keep products simple. Because NASA is not. At least that's what we can imagine. So what do NASA and Ikea have in common? So far, nothing tangible, but there has been some smoke between them lately. And where there's smoke, there's fire.

At Ikea they came up with the idea of starting to design furniture that would be suitable for very small spaces, where movement is quite limited. Specifically, they are interested in what kind of furniture would be most suitable for the largest cities that are practically overflowing with population. That's how they Us arranged for a visit to their center MDRS (Mars Desert Research Station) v Utah. That's where NASA astronauts train and prepare for flights into space for as long as 3 years. Ikea's designers only tried this kind of life for 3 days in order to gain experience of what it means to live in a very small space. Project and expedition manager at Ikea Michael Nikolic he says that this experience will undoubtedly contribute to a better understanding of what awaits humanity in the near future, when we may actually begin to populate Mars, and also the problems faced by the inhabitants of cities where there is practically no room left to breathe. He believes that this collection will primarily express gratitude for what we have here on earth; water, air, people and plants.

If nothing else, Ikea's designers undoubtedly had a 'bombastic'.


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