
IKEA Christmas collection 2022 for the festive atmosphere

Photo: ikea

Our minds are already in the Christmas and festive mood. Ikea has always been known for creating a beautiful holiday collection that transforms any home. In their stores and on the website, you can already admire the new holiday collection for winter 2022. The collection invites us into the festive mood and holidays with its colors and details.

Collection Winterfeet will make your home happy and bright. From festive tableware to beautiful decorations, doormats create the atmosphere for happy gatherings and magical conversations. The collection has everything, what you need to turn your home into a magical haven.

Photo: Ikea
Photo: Ikea
Photo: Ikea

It inspired the collection Swedish countryside with typical red houses and traditional folk art, is full of festive spirit. It offers many options that can help you with winter celebrations - from baking with the kids and decorating your home to socializing with a cup of hot chocolate.

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