
Ikea: the dining table that does not allow the use of the phone

Anti-smartphone dining table

Ikea has come up with a dining table concept that "forces" people to leave their smartphones alone while eating. The table includes a warming dish that heats the food only if we give up our smartphone while dining. Would you also need a dining table like this at home, or does table etiquette still apply in your home?

Even while eating at the table, you use everything too often smartphone, photographing food and don't know what you're eating because you're always engrossed in the screen? Ikea may convince you of this in the future, because if her dining table concept one day "meat" becomes, maybe dining will be what it was again. Moments dedicated to socializing, not feeding addiction to a smart device. And how does the dining table prevent us from using our smartphone while eating? The idea includes heating pot, which is especially often used in Asian cuisine and serves to prepare meals for a larger group of people.

The concept of an Ikea dining table that takes our smartphones out of our hands while we eat.
The concept of an Ikea dining table that takes our smartphones out of our hands while we eat.

Instead of electricity, it's hers source of energy a phone that people have to put under the sink. The more of them, the hotter the dish. It's like adding extra logs to the fire in a fireplace with a kettle. The fewer phones there are, the less heat the pan produces, forcing those gathered at the table to give up their devices if they want to satisfy their hunger. The one after food.

READ MORE: Logged out: Ikea with a placemat with a smartphone pocket to bring back table manners

In the video below, you can see how Swedish furniture giant Ikea's dining table concept works in practice. Would you have something similar at home?

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