
Ikea Heat Harvest: converting waste heat into electricity

Ikea Heat Harvest

Some time ago, Ikea introduced furniture for wireless charging of smartphones and tablets, but now it wants to go one step further. Heat Harvest will collect waste heat in the house and turn it into electricity. The thermoelectric device is the work of Sergej Komardenkov and Vihanga Goro and will be incorporated into furniture such as a table. It will collect the heat given off by objects like a hot cup of coffee and a computer and turn it into free electricity that we can use again. For example, to charge smartphones.

Waste heat it is an important source of energy, but we neglect it or do not pay any attention to it. This is the heat that is generated as by-product technical processes and there are a lot of them in the household. It is produced by many Kitchen Accessories, and computers, game consoles... All of these emit heat aka potential energy, which goes to nothing. And if Ikea technology Heat Harvest once you really incorporate it into your furniture, which we have no doubt, we will not only save on the monthly electricity bill, but we will also be less energy dependent and wasteful.

READ MORE: Ikea: furniture for wireless smartphone charging

Heat Harvest is thermoelectric device from materials that can they produce electricity from temperature differences, and new findings in nanotechnology, which have made the conversion more efficient than ever before, are also helpful. The innovation was created at Ikea's two-week workshop as part of its new project, the Innovation Lab Space10.

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