
Ikea pokes fun at food photography obsessives with Instagram's 17th-century version

Ikea pokes fun at the Instagram generation.

One of the most annoying habits of smartphone users is taking pictures of food. It is these "Dinner Snappers", i.e. people who take pictures of meals on the table, that Ikea treated themselves to in their latest ad. Set in the 17th century, the sarcastic ad was created by Swedish advertising agency Acne and imagines what dining would have looked like if people back then were as obsessed with portraying food as they are today.

Ikea makes fun of the example from the 17th century of the Instagram generation obsessed with photographing food. Since they didn't have cameras or the internet back then, and there was no Instagram at all, they had to settle for a different way food portraiture. And so dinner drags into the night because Dad wants to share his meal with the rest of the world.

Instagram in the 17th century.
Instagram in the 17th century.

Moral first a painter draw a detailed picture of the food on the table on the canvas, and then  servants he runs from door to door showing the picture to people. After a long detour, they return and inform the family that people like the "photo". And only then can they bite into the meal.

READ MORE: New Ikea catalog 2017

It's a meal. Not a competition,” Ikea concludes its ad. Now sleep it off.

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