
Ikea reveals the latest trend for 2024: An organized and stylishly furnished home

Turn your space from “Ahhh!” to “Aha!” with smart storage solutions.

Dear lovers of neat homes, have you ever walked into your home and thought, "Ahhh, I need to clean up this mess"? Well, don't worry, you're not alone. We felt that way too, until we realized that clutter can be a new trend that you can embrace with pride! Yes, you heard right - Ikea revealed at its latest 'Make Room for Life' event that clutter can be your best friend if you use it wisely.

With an idea-based approach and storage products, it is Ikea promised, that she will devote the entire year of 2024 to this as best she can your home becomes organized and expresses your personality. And it will not be a boring cleaning, but a creative explosion of style!

Key solutions range from bookshelves, drawers and trolleys to boxes, binders and Ikea's iconic shopping bag. With these solutions, Ikea helps you put things away, create order and make room for life. Ikea, which has been in business for eighty years, is a true master of room arrangement and organization. And it's not just a coincidence - storage solutions are an area they've mastered for decades.

“Storage solutions is an area we love and know well. You could say that we have been working with storage solutions for almost 80 years. We believe that behind every pile of shoes, every mountain of socks or shirts lies a solution and an opportunity to create a better home and everyday life. At the same time, we haven't forgotten about our efforts to be accessible to many people, so we are once again reducing the prices of some of our most popular products. On September 1, customers in Slovenia could already notice that we reduced the prices of more than 200 of the most popular products by an average of 19.3 %," she said Petra Strnišnik, shopping experience manager at Ikea Slovenia.

At the event, we also had the opportunity to listen to smart advice Anje Razdevšek, HR experts at the People and Culture Department of the Ikea company, and Lejla Puškar, interior designers at the Department of Interior Design and Communication. They showed us small tricks on how to easily restore order in the home. Consultant for a tidy and pleasant home, Tina Simčič, however, she taught us three key steps for an orderly home of joy - how to eliminate clutter, organize spaces and establish a routine.

The visitors also got to know the key ones findings of the Life At Home Report, which is carried out every year by the Ikea company all over the world. This survey found that as many as 50 % people fight over clutter at home. But Ikea says there's no need to be so dramatic, because behind every mess there's a storage solution. That's why they like to say: "Life is full of mess - and we love it!".

Smart storage solutions are not only for making your home look neat, but also for making you feel more comfortable and expressing your personality. The survey shows that only 55 % people feel that their home reflects their personality. That's why Ikea believes that storage not only helps organize spaces, but also allows people to prominently display things that reflect their personality.

And that's not all, Ikea has solutions for a better life that will surely delight all lovers of organization and neatness. They are among them BESTÅ modular storage systems, which can be adapted into a clean and modern composition for a television or a shelf for presenting personal valuables. And what's even better, you can complement them with storage boxes from the series SAMLA and KUGGIS. These products feature innovative designs that allow you to store a large amount of things without taking up a lot of space. In addition, they are so practical that you can stack them on top of each other. And if you have trouble organizing your wardrobe or drawers, it will SKUBB series became your best friend.

Ikea reminds us that there is also beauty in the mess. And that every mess is an opportunity to create more space, smarter use of space, a calmer and more personal home. And at the end of the day, who needs more socks that suddenly disappear? So, take the challenge and turn your home from “Ahhh!” to “Aha!” with Ikea smart storage solutions. Your home will be tidier and your life simpler and more fun!

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