
Look for your happiness elsewhere immediately: these are 8 strong signs that a man does not value you in any way

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It is not enough for your partner to tell you that he loves you, but he must show you that he values you through his actions - this is the least you can ask of him, and he is obliged to provide it to you, otherwise look for your happiness elsewhere.

It is quite possible that lthe love between you and your partner is strong, but that's not enough if he doesn't appreciate you and s he despises his actions. It's also quite possible that you don't see it at all - usually at the beginning of the relationship you live in the clouds, but eventually the masks fall. Then your partner doesn't even "see" the things you do for him, yours sacrifices and kindness ... because he takes you for granted. And this, of course, damages your relationship, especially your self-esteem. You feel like you're not doing anything right. Like your partner he has no interest in you anymore.

In the context of a happy relationship, it is extremely important respect and if that doesn't exist in your relationship, it's okay to let's talk. If you find yourself in the points below and your partner does not want to change their relationship, it is clearly time to do so you seek your happiness elsewhere ... in the arms of a person who will appreciate you.

When is it time to let it go…
When is it time to let it go…

8 strong signs that a man does not value you:

He never has time for you. But he will always find it for other people. He always cancels your dates because he wants to hang out with other people.
He never asks you for advice. When he makes decisions, he doesn't ask for your opinion, even if those decisions affect your relationship. You certainly have a right to your opinion, but he never takes it into account or takes it as relevant.

He never thanks you. You love him and want to fulfill all his wishes, but you see that he never thanks for the sacrifice. Apparently, he doesn't even deserve such royal treatment.
You don't have support when you need it most. Health problems, death, career setbacks... these are life situations when your partner should be there for you, but someone who doesn't respect you won't even ask you how you are. He takes you for granted because he knows you're strong enough to make it on your own.

You don't have support when you need it most.
You don't have support when you need it most.

He never compliments you. If he really never compliments you, it's quite possible that he has images of other women in his mind.
He is lazy. You do all the responsibilities yourself, because it never occurs to him that you need help. We all know that in a healthy relationship, household chores are shared.

An ax fell in his midst. He likes to brag about how perfect he is and thinks you should be happy because you're with him. Believe me, there are much better men out there and you deserve only the best.
He's cheating on you. Do you need stronger proof that he doesn't value you? Get rid of him, you'll be doing yourself a favor!

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