
Implico: The first quality HR training for young HR professionals and start-ups in Slovenia

In the first months of the new year, the Implico modular training, prepared by MEKS, the youth section of the Slovenian Personnel Association (SKZ), will take place for the first time in Ljubljana's BTC City. Renowned Slovenian and foreign experts will train young HR professionals on the one hand and start-ups and smaller companies on the other.

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BTC City - Crystal Palace and Si.mobil Center
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Top-class lecturers with many years of experience in business will provide top-notch interactive workshops in the HR field. The section of young personnel is thus entering the field of education, which has not yet existed in Slovenia, and at the same time, it has committed itself to offering quality content at affordable prices for young people.

Implico training will take place 29 January, 5, 10 and 12 February 2015 in BTC City (Crystal Palace and Si.mobil Center). They organize it Young HR experts (MEKS), the youth section of the Slovenian Personnel Association (SKZ), and is intended for young personnel professionals, start-ups and smaller companies. Implica will be served by many well-known names - Slovenian and foreign HR, communication and other experts. Among them will be high-profile names such as: An actual Turk (general manager of Vip Mobil), Matej Potokar (General Manager of the Microsoft Services Group in the SEE Region), Matthew Davies (Director and Senior Trainer at Power the Change Ltd), Tamara Valenčič (personnel manager of the year 2014), Tomaž Jug (director of the online agency Editor) and many others.

Implico - strategic staffing of the future
Implico - strategic staffing of the future

The modular training will consist of 4 parts, separated by days. First – A giraffe, a day-long event named after the holistic image of education, will include a presentation HR trends, good practices and interactions between different stakeholders, presented an overture to three afternoon modules, Puzzles. On them, participants will put together their own HR puzzle with content from the fields TOP of HRM, SELL the HR and WORK LIFE BALANCE, where young HR professionals will upgrade their knowledge of introducing new employees, internal communication and positioning the HR function as strategic. In these modules, young entrepreneurs from start-ups and smaller companies will learn how to manage employee efficiency, build the right team, and learn the basics of labor law. In the final module, the groups will join forces again and together with Matthew Davies will find out how to find the right balance between work and private time and how to avoid burnout.

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