
There are 6 types of women in a relationship: which one is best to avoid

Photo: Cottonbro / Pexels

Sometimes we jump into a relationship too quickly because we want closeness, but after a certain time we realize that we could have recognized the signs that indicate that there will be problems in the relationship. Therefore, men, before you repeat the mistake, check which types of women are good to avoid and how to determine whether the relationship with her will be just a lesson or the relationship will become long-term.

Alpha female

She has more experience than you, is usually older and definitely wiser. She is sociable, ambitious and she knows exactly what she wants, both in and out of the bedroom. Her main assets are intelligence and self-confidence. A relationship with her can last for years, but for that she needs a confident man on the other hand.


She is handsome, casually dressed and prefers tracksuits to dresses. She likes to stay at home and socialize over a good dinner with friends. She likes to be around friends, as this is her greatest value. The advantages of such a woman are that she does not like drama and conflict, and her good mood is guaranteed. The relationship with her is comfortable and stable and lasts until one gets fed up and wants something more exciting. Or it takes forever if you're compatible.

Party girl

She is rarely awake before noon, knows thousands of people and always has a backup plan for Friday or Saturday night. Although she is physically attractive and has a pleasant and sociable personality that charms everyone around her, she is not very good material for men. A relationship with her doesn't have much future potential and she will very likely leave you as soon as a better opportunity presents itself. Still, it's fun while it lasts.


She is a little strange, has an unusual sense of humor, dresses atypically, but is really good at heart. Sometimes it's hard to trust her because at the last minute change your plans and relies more on instinct than on rational decisions. You will spend your evenings with her in philosophical discussions and on an unusual date. Her trump card is spontaneity and originality, with which she will win you over and allow you to disconnect from reality. But if you're a practical guy who likes to plan, the relationship doesn't have much chance of success.

A friend

He's someone you've always liked, but you didn't want to jeopardize a long-standing friendship. Alcohol and spontaneity will probably bring you together. The advantage of such a girl is that you are completely relaxed in front of her, always smiling and having a good time. A long stable relationship can emerge from this relationship. She is ready to compromise in marriage and is an ideal wife as long as she gets what she expects - respect and attention.


Whether it's a married co-worker, a best friend's sister, a girlfriend who drinks too much or changes boyfriends, she tends to believe that “the sweetest fruit always forbidden”. You simply cannot get bored with her and your life will turn into a drama, even a thriller. Going out with someone who is completely wrong and inappropriate for you can sometimes be one of the best ways to figure out what you want from a relationship, and it's also a good way to create stories to tell your grandchildren.

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