
In order to be happy, we have to change partners every 5 years

When we walk the path to happiness, we look for theories (and practices) that would help us reach our goal. And one of these theories says that the key to happiness is changing partners every 5 years. So why should we change partners every five years and what are the disadvantages of this theory?

The advantages of the theory that one should change partners every 5 years

More and more people are realizing that love (well, at least falling in love) is not forever. This is something that passes, and it shows that it is exactly falling in love that allows us, on average, 5 years of partner happiness. And that's why some love gurus suggest changing partners every 5 years. After five happy years, it is time to meet new people and improve our knowledge of partner relationships, which only make us stronger and enrich us. Imagine changing your partner every 5 years, falling in love every 5 years and having a 5 year honeymoon. Not so bad, right?

READ MORE: Experiment: Couples are honest about how they feel about themselves and their partner

Is it really necessary to change partners every five years to be happy?
Is it really necessary to change partners every five years to be happy?

Disadvantages of the theory that one should change partners every five years

Depending on where you built your love nest, you can quickly run into problems moving house…every 5 years. We also encounter difficulty in getting to know and introducing our partner to our parents and the rest of the family. What if they really love him? Therefore, in order to avoid excessive attachment, we will have to reduce family life to a minimum. We must also remember that it is not the best thing to immediately replace the old relationship with a new one. After the breakup of a relationship, there is a period of mourning and reflection on our relationship. And who wants to suffer every five years?

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