
You will be happiest in such a relationship: your ideal partner according to your astrological sign

Photo: Gustavo Fring / Pexels

What are the hidden desires and expectations when we enter the world of relationships?

Relationships represent a complex and emotional world, where each individual cultivates his own uniqueness wishes.

We all enter a relationship with expectations and needs that reflect our personality—from the desire for security to the longing for romance, exploration, and acceptance. Everyone wants something specific!

Let's see what astrological signs want from a relationship.


He wants a relationship where he feels energized, like every day is a new adventure, even when he's doing something as mundane as shopping.


He longs for a relationship where he feels at home, like he's found a place where he can be 100 percent himself without having to walk on his toes.

A twin

He wants a relationship that gives him hope that he can achieve anything with that person, because that person is his wall, his support system.

Love. Photo: Nataliya Vaitkevich / Pexels


He longs for a relationship where he feels special, like he's the only person in the room, without a sense of competition. He's the only one they want.


He wants a relationship in which he will feel proud, as if he has hit the jackpot because there is no one in this world who is a better match for him personally.

A virgin

He wants a relationship where he feels valued and all his hard work is recognized and admired, not overlooked as it has been in the past.


She wants a relationship that will make her feel excited because the best things are yet to come. With the feeling that a million little adventures are still waiting for her.

Respect. Photo: Dimitri Kuliuk / Pexels


She wants a relationship where she feels safe to say anything without it being a problem. Together with their partner, they can overcome any obstacle.


He wants a relationship in which he feels optimistic, knows that everything will turn out well in the end, because he has a person by his side who will help him through all the storms.


He wants a relationship in which he feels relaxed, without the need to pretend or play roles, and for the person to love him exactly as he is.


He longs for a relationship where he feels pampered, where the other person works as hard as he does for them.


They want a relationship where they feel confident, with no doubts about whether his person wants to be with him and only him.

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