
In the future, we will pay with sunglasses

Height sunglasses for payment

In the future, we will be able to pay with sunglasses! To be clear, this does not mean that you will hand over glasses to the cashier instead of money in exchange for purchased goods, but rather that sunglasses will replace payment cards as a means of payment. Such a solution is being tested by Visa, which says that the future of payment is in things that we don't treat in this way today.

Mobile payment is increasingly becoming a daily practice. A leading provider of payment cards Visa wants to make paying for goods and services even easier in the future, too with glasses.

Visa now also allows you to pay with sunglasses.
Visa now also allows you to pay with sunglasses.

She presented it a prototype of sunglasses (the design was provided by an Australian Local Supply) with which we can pay for products, namely everywhere where payment terminals are equipped with a wireless interface NFC, which enables contactless communication. A chip for the identification of the payer was embedded in the frame, and it is required for payment just a touch dedicated terminal.

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Solution height with an active identifier for performing transactions, which is otherwise only one in a set of prototypes (it also tests rings, mobile applications and bracelets), is already being tested by test users in Australia. Currently, the question arises as to how to ensure authentication, because glasses are much easier to lose or slip out like a phone or a card that we usually have with us all the time. In any case, we are already looking forward to such solutions, which will further facilitate and speed up payment.

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