
In 2023, I will put myself first, how about you?

Photo: envato

I want to feel inner peace. And I want all the scars on my soul to fade. I will fight against every thought that I can't do something. I have enough negative thoughts that have been in my head in 2022 and this is not something I want to do in the next year.

So, 2023 I'm coming – stronger than ever, more beautiful than ever (I'm not talking about plastic surgery) and a year smarter.

I've changed, but that's totally fine. I finally learned even more – to love yourself. I don't care what other people think. And they disappear before they even reach me. What a relief.

Sometimes I didn't want to take the risk, it's true, I thought I wouldn't make it. Now, at least I will try, without it I will never know if I would have succeeded. Mistakes don't define me. I'll still be me, although maybe with a few more bruises.

I'll try to do things I've never done before, and if I fail, I'll definitely learn something from it. But one thing is certain - I will keep trying until I reach my goal.

In 2023, I will put my past where it belongs - in the past.

I don't want to think about the mistakes I've made or how they've affected my life. Instead, I want to focus on what's in front of me.

I believe in myself! Photo: Gantas Vaiciulenas / Pexels

I won't be hard on myself because I didn't do something right, we all make mistakes, nobody is perfect. I did what I did because I thought it was right at the time. I don't want to feel bad about it anymore. This is the past.

When I talk about letting go, I want to remove - all the toxic people who have ever made my life hell. I don't want to have any contact with them because i love my life and I don't want them to be part of it.

I just want to be far away from them because they don't have the positive energy that I crave. I will let anyone out of my life who makes me feel like they are worth more. Some have never heard of the word respect and other values of life.

In 2023, I will be my own priority.

I will do anything to get where I want to go, and I will think of myself more than others. I will be a priority, not an option. I think this is the path to happiness and I will get there sooner or later.

I will not let anyone influence my life. I am the main character in my book of life and I will write it my way!

If you want to be a part of my life, you have to earn your place in it. Otherwise …

In 2023, bpm focused on me, on my life.

My year is coming - 2023! Photo: Brooke Cagle/Unsplash

I will accept all mistakes, pluses and minuses. Because this is who I am and all the things that have happened to me that have shaped me into the person I am today. If you don't like me, that's your problem, not mine. Leave or turn back before you enter my world.

2023 will be my year.

Good luck! Positively. Successfully. Dreamy. In love. Smiling. Mischievous. Lots of hugs. Kisses. Gratitude. Travel. I love and miss traveling, it's 2023, I want to breathe the air and feel the pulse of foreign cities, to be part of their simple life, although... it's true - home is the most beautiful!

In 2023, I want to feel that true love with him even more. Antics. Tickling.

In 2023, I will choose the stories and chapters myself. I am happy because I know that happiness is in me, and - believe me - in you too! Good luck in 2023 – thanks for reading me! And write your favorite and most beautiful stories in 2023.

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