
In this food museum, you will be able to see the most disgusting food from different parts of the world

The flying fox

People are fascinated by a wide variety of food from all over the world. Of course not - there is never too much enjoyment with delicious delicacies. Regardless, there are also dishes that, for a reason, do not appeal to us the most.

You will be able to find dishes that will make your stomach turn at the sight of them in a unique museum Disgusting Food Museum. The exhibition, which is dedicated to the most disgusting dishes from different parts of the world, is organized by a psychologist and a researcher Samuel West, the founder of the exhibit Museum of Failure.

Visitors can witness more than 80 types of the most disgusting food in the world, such as Peruvian frog smoothies, Sardinian cheese with worms and Seychelles flying fox. Some of the dishes that can be seen in the gallery below can also be enjoyed by visitors they try and they smell.

Do you dare to visit this disgusting museum?
Do you dare to visit this disgusting museum?

West emphasizes that the excessive production of meat is harmful to the environment, so it is necessary to find different ones forms of alternative nutrition. Many people are outraged by dishes that include insects, which he says is not the case correctly. Exotic dishes contain plenty useful nutrients.

The Disgusting Food Museum will open its doors on the 29th. in October this year. The exhibition, which will last until January 27, 2019, will be open to the public every week between Wednesday and Sunday. He will host it Slagthuset MMX, located in the Swedish city Malmö. It will also be possible to buy in the museum shop unusual drinks and snacks.

Gallery – Disgusting Food Museum

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