
There are 12 black dots in this picture, but no one can see more than two at a time! You them?

Optical illusion

Believe it or not, there are 12 black dots in this picture, arranged in three rows, but no one can see more than two at a time. Do you manage to see them? It is a new online phenomenon that is confusing thousands of internet users.

It is at the intersections of this network 12 black dots, but it is impossible to see everything at once. The image became overnight viral. Why don't we see all the dots at once?

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See all dozen points?
See all dozen points?

It's her fault optical illusion, named Ninio's Extinction Illusion, named after the French scientist To Jacques Niniou.

If you can't see all 12 points, this photo will help.
If you can't see all 12 points, this photo will help.

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