
Eating at this restaurant is cheaper if you have well-behaved children

Restaurant Antonio Ferrar

If you have a well-behaved child, then you can expect a discount at the Antonio Ferrari restaurant in Padua, Italy.

Running around the table, pulling tablecloths, climbing on chairs, shouting and playing with food are common scenes at the table in restaurants where parents dine with small children. But if your children are well-behaved and adhere to basic etiquette, the restaurant is for you in Padua Antonio Ferrari promises discount.

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An account that resonates.
An account that resonates.

Restaurant owner Antonio Ferrari is convinced that children will behave better if parents make more of an effort, and what better incentive for this than a financial incentive in the form of a discount. 5% discount the family belongs to the entire amount, but only if the children do not disturb other guests during the meal. The whole thing was initiated by a family whose children behaved in an exemplary manner while visiting the said restaurant, and when they received the bill with the said discount, they posted it on the Web and in no time she became a viral hit.

Gallery - Italian restaurant Antonio Ferrari

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