
I will never forgive you for infidelity! (personal confession)

Photo: envato

Would you accept your partner's infidelity? Would you forgive him for cheating emotionally or physically? Would you tell him - it's over, go away?

You won't get another chance. I don't care if you have an excuse. It doesn't matter if you swear to me that this will never happen again. It doesn't matter what you promise me.

I don't care if it was just a one time thing. It doesn't matter if you stopped after the kiss because you felt guilty. It doesn't matter how far things went, because either way, if you've been unfaithful to me, you've crossed a line.

Don't tell me you had a moment of weakness. It doesn't matter if you felt insecure. It doesn't matter if we haven't been intimate in a while.

Does infidelity seem normal to you? because your friends are cheating on their partners? Do you really want to be like them?

If you cheat on me, I won't ask you to choose between me and another woman. I'm not going to give you ultimatums about what you have to do if you want to keep me.

Goodbye. I'd rather be alone! Photo: Brooke Cagle/Unsplash

I won't fight for you or our relationship. There will be no more relationship. We will be gone. You will be alone - alone.

I will not ask for an explanation or an apology. I'm not going to scream at you and tell you how much I've done for you and how you're going to throw it all away. No. I won't throw your clothes out the window. I won't burn the memories. I won't judge you on social media.

No, I don't intend to take revenge on you, because you will be miserable enough on your own.

If you're unfaithful, it's over. There won't be a second chance. No screaming dramas. No forgiveness. No looking back. Your mistakes will be yours alone, I have nothing more to do with them.

I will find someone who will respect me. Someone who would never risk losing me to an affair with another woman. Someone who believes I am more than enough, who values my time and attention. Someone who will want only me and only me. Be happy with her!

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