
Inn Pri gradu

On the Castle Square in Žužemberk, just 50 meters from the Žužemberk Castle, we will find a cozy inn, where we prepare hot breakfasts, lunches and a wide selection of pizzas from the bread oven every day. We can also choose from à la carte dishes based on local cuisine. Every day will make us smell...

Basic information
Inn Pri gradu
Castle square 4
from Monday to Thursday and Sunday from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m., Fridays and Saturdays from 2 p.m. to 11 p.m.
(07) 308 72 90

On the Castle Square in Žužemberk, just 50 meters from the Žužemberk Castle, we will find a cozy inn, where we prepare hot breakfasts, lunches and a wide selection of pizzas from the bread oven every day. We can also choose from à la carte dishes based on local cuisine. Every day we will smell home-made bread, but we should definitely not miss the real house specialty - brook trout, which is very special, because it is caught in the nearby Krka river, so we cannot doubt its freshness. The domestic offer also includes homemade štruklji, žlikrofi and gnocchi, you can also choose from meat dishes and side dishes or dishes "on a spoon": beans, tripe or delicious stew. As an appetizer, we treat ourselves to a homemade cold cut, mushroom or beef soup, and after the main course, we treat ourselves to a typical homemade štruklje or a real homemade apple roll. Winter time is the time of kolins at the castle. If we decide to visit the inn in a larger group, Pri gradu will prepare one of the local menus for us, such as peasant, suhokranjski, grajski... Given that Žužemberk recently got a wireless internet connection in the vicinity of Castle Square, we will be able to searched a little on the internet, where in the vicinity of Žužemberek we could go on a trip, and found out that the neighboring inn Zupančič also operates in connection with the Pri gradu inn. Who would have thought?

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