
Inn Reich

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Basic information
Inn Reich
Soboška street 32, Bakovci
Murska Sobota
Tues. - Sat from 10 a.m. to 11 p.m., Sun. from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. hours
(02) 543 90 98

When the road takes us across Mura, to the village of Bakovci, the Rajh inn invites us for lunch or dinner. Upon entering, we are greeted by a traditional ambiance in dark wood - a touch of homeliness and relaxation, for which the owner Tanja is also responsible, who greets guests at the entrance. He tells us that Rajh serves homemade food with a touch of creativity and modernity. For a cold appetizer, Tanja recommends Prekmurje ham with cottage cheese and pumpkin seeds, smoked tongue with pumpkin oil, and homemade bile with onion and bacon. In the winter, they cook homemade kolin with turnips, beef tails in sauce, pheasant soup, sarma, slices of pork fish with chanterelle paprikash and dodoli, crackling cakes, poppy seed retaše,... All year round, the smell of homemade buckwheat bread, bograč, baked suckling pig, deer in juniper sauce, lamb cutlet with rosemary and... Seasonal soups such as zucchini with cinnamon, tomato with mozzarella and fresh basil, and mushroom soup with buckwheat porridge are interesting. Tanja is a real artist when it comes to preparing desserts, so make sure you have some room in your stomach for a charming flourless chocolate cake, a real Prekmurje gibanica or a pumpkin cake with raspberries and blueberries. It's a summer cake, but customers love it so much that they've kept it on offer all year round. The secret recipe is Tanja's, and this cake alone is worth a visit to the Rajh family.


Bakovci, Soboška ulica 32, Murska Sobota



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