
Innovative top-loading dishwasher

Top loading dishwasher

Today, we can't complain about the dishwashers on offer, but we still miss something that their close relatives, washing machines, already had in the past. Top loading dishwasher. While you can choose between front and top loading washing machines, this is not the case with dishwashers. Everything until now. It's about time! Why did our cross have to suffer for so long?

Mohsen Jafari Malek and Behzad Taheri they presented top loading dishwasher. The 'submersible' machine makes it possible folding without inflection, much like some washing machines they have been making this possible for decades. He's following suit a few decades too late (better now than never, though), and not only with him we gain in space (front-loading machines require a lot of space because of the door), but we do it a favor to the spine.

The top-loading washing machine is nothing new, the dishwasher is.
The top-loading washing machine is nothing new, the dishwasher is.

In fact, it is illogical that we did not get a dishwasher with the above and not earlier with side loading, because with a washing machine you only have to throw the clothes into the drum, while with a dishwasher you have to put dishes and accessories fold systematically, that's why it's all together much more time-consuming.

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Washing in such a machine because different arrangement of baskets makes it more efficient arrangement of washing nozzles and consequently more efficient washing, also it cannot leak water as the seals are on top. Unfortunately, it is a dishwasher whose baskets get dirty like a diving post lifted from the machine, for now just a concept. Who and if will grab the design of the designers is not yet known, but I certainly hope that the providers will react soon and do what they should have done a long time ago.

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