
You hide an incredible power inside: 5 signs that you are a witch

You know how to do magic, but maybe you don't even realize it? Here are 5 signs that you are a real witch!

Witches were almost always depicted as terrifying creatures, which were condemned to disrespect and cruelty throughout the centuries. But no one ever noticed that magic comes in both good and bad forms. Witches tend to be extraordinary women with deep intuitive and soul-healing abilities. Here is 5 signs that you too are a good witch with the power of love.

1. You transform emotions and experiences into mass energy that creates change.

Your energy is so strong that it's a bit dangerous. Both your positive and negative emotions affect everyone around you you can create changes in the lives of individuals as well as enormous social changes. You can move people to tears, you can brighten their day, you can greet them with words or actions. You can bring down evil persons with the destructive force of your anger. People can sense when they make you angry, and they can also sense when you're sending them positive energy. Just make sure you don't harm others with it, as it can sometimes get carried away.

2. Your connection with nature is unparalleled.

You are "one" with nature, with its elements, with the earth, with the seasons. In autumn and winter, you banish old beliefs, toxic relationships and destructive patterns. In the spring, you come alive again and feel the rebirth of your psyche. The proximity of the water immediately calms you down, the tide greets you like an old friend. At night, you bathe in the energy of the Moon and the stars. Dogs follow you, birds fly around you, small children run towards you. Nature is your playground because it is harmless and clean.

Your connection with nature is incomparable.
Your connection with nature is incomparable.

3. Your "spells", intentions and rituals always have powerful effects.

You are capable of mass manifestation. What you wish for usually comes true. Whether you practice prayer, meditation, or some other unique form of magic, you have the power to create new opportunities for yourself wherever you go. You attract loving relationships, a fast-rising career, financial prosperity and endless happiness. You can achieve your goals at the speed of light and realize your dreams in a way that simply amazes others. This is because you are connected to yourself, to your inner sense of divine power, inner magic and values.

4. Your confidence is astounding.

Because of your self-confidence, others often fear you. Even if you're the cutest girl around, people around you will be nervous. And because you are so grounded in your abilities to change yourself, your life and the world around you, you challenge everyone around you to look at you. The world spins differently for you because self-confidence is stronger than any temptation, than any enemy, or than any emotional vampire that life throws your way. You are pure magic!

Your confidence is astounding.
Your confidence is astounding.

5. You heal with words that have incredible power.

As the great Albus Dumbledore once said: "Words are an inexhaustible source of magic. They can reduce the damage, they can eliminate it." And indeed, your words could create new worlds if they wanted to. So be careful what you say, because your words are really powerful, even if you don't recognize it. You may notice that everything you say to others and what you say to yourself has a big impact on what happens. That's why matras, positive affirmations, are so important, especially when you're feeling really drained. These are your spells. As a witch, you have the power to heal others as well. Don't forget to greet yourself too, because the greatest source of magic you have is within you. Forever.

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