
These are 12 easy signs that you are a witch

Photo: Milos Toncevski / Unsplash

Witches have always been portrayed as terrifying creatures who have been condemned to disrespect and cruelty throughout the centuries. But no one ever noticed that magic comes in both good and bad forms. Witches are usually extraordinary women with deep intuitive and soul healing abilities. Here are 12 signs that you, too, are a good witch with the power of love.

12 Signs You Are witch:

Do you feel when someone else is in pain?

Witches are very intuitive and in touch with emotions. They have this innate ability to understand that someone is in pain. Their first task is to help them. If you often find yourself feeling the pain of others, you may have witch-like qualities.

Do you like animals and you like them?

Do you have pets or do you love animals? And do these animals return the love? Witches are naturally in an intimate relationship with nature, and animals are one of the creatures closest to the heart.

Are you strong in difficult times or do you simply crumble?

When you find yourself in trouble or in a really tough situation, do you have faith in yourself and fight or give up? Witches are strong creatures who fight with dignity and grace.

Animals are your best friends.
Animals are your best friends.

Does helping others make your day?

When you help someone in need, does it warm your heart, put a smile on your face, or are you always looking for ways that person can return the favor? Selflessness is one of the strongest qualities a witch possesses, as is human warmth.

Can you put yourself in someone else's shoes and understand their points of view?

Are you empathetic? Can you put yourself in someone else's shoes and understand them? Do you judge or listen to others? If you understand and accept others, then you have the spirit of a witch.

How often do others come to you and share their feelings with you?

How often does it happen to you that others share their feelings and worries with you? Do you often have people come to you when they are lost and in pain? Witches have the ability to attract broken hearts and heal them.

Others entrust you with the greatest pain.
Others entrust you with the greatest pain.

Do you think you are a good leader and advisor?

Are you a good counselor? Do you often give advice to people in difficult times and do your best to make them feel safe and healthy? Witches are full of smart and good advice.

Do you often feel very vulnerable and emotional?

Do you often find yourself with a lump in your throat and are you emotional? Do you feel like your heart has been broken many times? Witches can be strong, but they are also very sensitive and emotional.

Would you rather tell the raw truth than a sugar-coated lie?

A witch never lies. Be it harsh or kind, she always tells the truth. So if you are a person who would rather hurt someone with the truth than lie, then there is a good chance that you are a witch.

You always tell the truth.
You always tell the truth.

Are you attracted to nature and solitude?

Witches are very attracted to nature. Their souls are travelers, and they find peace right in the lap of nature.

Are you quiet when you're most hurt?

Witches are also known for their mysterious nature. They may indeed spread joy and happiness around, but when it comes to themselves, they are mysterious. If they are really hurt, they become numb and quiet.

Do you tend to take care of others first and then yourself?

Witches are selfless and in no way evil. They are usually the ones who put others first and themselves in the background. If you do too, there's a good chance you're a cute witch.

You always take care of others.
You always take care of others.

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