
Instagram's new feature is a revolution: "Seen" becomes invisible!

A new button that promises more privacy and fewer digital editions.

Photo: Jakob Owens / Instagram

In a digital age where every click and read message is scrutinized, Instagram is bringing a breath of fresh air with a potential new feature. Have you ever wanted your friends to not know that you read their message? Your wishes may soon come true!

When you receive a message on Instagram, it's hard to resist the temptation not to read it. But that little “Seen” at the bottom of the conversation is like a digital tattoo telling everyone, “Yes, I saw your message.” Alessandro Paluzzi, a detective in the world of social media, revealed that Instagram is developing a button that would allow us to hide this status. So if you thought Instagram was just for posting pictures of your food and cats, get ready for a revolution in the way you communicate!

In addition, Instagram does not forget about privacy. The "activity status" function allows us to hide when we were last active. Ironically, when we turn this feature off, we ourselves cannot see when others have been active. Is this Instagram's way of telling us, “If you want privacy, others will have it too”?

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