
Garage house: Interactive sculpture as a facade

An interactive structure in Indianapolis wonderfully enlivens the facade of an otherwise boring garage house.

Until recently, garage houses were rather uninteresting buildings, but in recent years architects like to play with their facades. Large facade surfaces are perfect blank canvases for frescoes, mosaics and wall sculptures. Robert Ley of the architectural studio Urbana tackled the facade of the new parking garage of Eskenazi Hospital in Indianapolis, USA and transformed it into a real vertical work of art called May/September.

View of the garage from the road.

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The facade consists of approximately 7,000 panels of 18 different sizes and slopes, creating a huge interactive structure. Depending on where he stands and how fast he moves along the building, the visitor has completely different views of the facade. Despite the fact that the panels are static, their different sizes and colors create the illusion of undulations of the facade.

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